Watch My Wilderness


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About Watch my Wilderness

Did you know that an MCG-sized area of forest and bush is bulldozed every 2 minutes in Australia? Australia’s deforestation front ranks in the global top 10, alongside Borneo, the Amazon and the Congo.

Because most of the deforestation happens out of sight and out of mind we need to monitor satellite imagery and record forest loss so that we can make the case for change. That’s where you come in!

The Wilderness Society has launched a community powered app that will assist with monitoring deforestation and land clearing across Australia. The app has a user-friendly interface that displays Sentinel-2 imagery from various dates, in-built tools to assist in detecting change and the ability to send alerts of deforestation that a user detects.

Because Australia is so large we need more eyes to help monitor for deforestation.

Sign up and start monitoring for forest and bushland change now. To find out more about deforestation in Australia click here to go to our website.

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